French laws on products in general and traceability:
The manufacturer or service provider is bound by the following obligations:
- Designing a product in compliance with the safety standards that may legitimately be expected (Art. 1604 of the French Civil Code, Art. 1386-4 of the French Civil Code, Art. L 221.1 of the French Consumer Code)
- Information due to the purchaser concerning recommendations, instructions for use and warnings against the dangers of the product
- Accessory to the obligation to deliver under article 1604 of the French Civil Code.
- Resulting from Art. L 111-1 of the French Consumer Code, for sales to consumers.
- Resulting from Art. L. 221-1-2. of the Consumer Code below
- Article L221-1-2 of the French Consumer Code: Obligation to follow up.
(inserted by Ordonnance nº 2004-670 du 9 juillet 2004 art. 5 I Journal Officiel du 10 juillet 2004) I. - The person responsible for placing the product on the market shall provide the consumer with useful information enabling him to assess the risks inherent in a product during its normal or reasonably foreseeable period of use and to guard against them, when these risks are not immediately perceptible to the consumer without adequate warning.
II. - The person responsible for placing the product on the market adopts measures which, taking into account the characteristics of the products he supplies, enable him :
a) To keep himself informed of the risks that that the products he markets may present;
b) initiate the actions necessary to control these risks, including withdrawal from the market, appropriate warnings, etc. from the market, adequate and effective warnings to consumers, and recalls from consumers of products placed on the market.
These measures may include carrying out random tests, or indicating on the product or its packaging instructions for use, the identity and address of the person responsible for placing it on the market, and the reference number of the product or batch of products to which it belongs. These indications may be made compulsory by order of the Minister for Consumer Affairs and the minister(s) concerned.
Since January 2005, the transposition of the General Product Safety Directive (2001/95) has obliged companies that have initiated a procedure restricting the market for a product due to safety problems to inform the public authorities. Traceability in the food industry:
an obligation from January 2006 - easy-to-implement solutions
Council Regulation EC 21/2004 of December 17, 2003:
establishing a system for the identification and registration of ovine and caprine animals and amending Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and Directives 92/102/EEC and 64/432/EEC, Tags in ISO FDX 11784 - 11785 format
Summary and implications for your agri-food business: ask for it!
EC regulation 178/2002
“traceability: the ability to trace, through all stages of production, processing and distribution, the route of a foodstuff, feed, food-producing animal, or substance intended to be, or likely to be, incorporated into a foodstuff or feedstuff”. From January 1, 2005, this regulation obliges companies working in the food industry to provide total traceability of their production or distribution. The standard sets a target for results, but does not specify the means of achieving them: we have the experience of several sites and can guide you in choosing and implementing the right solution.
Do you know the impact on your organization, systems, suppliers and customers? Have your sites audited!
Other ISO standards on traceability for all activities:
ISO 8402 standard
By traceability we mean the ability to trace the history, use or location of an entity by means of recorded identifications.
Note in relation to ISO 9000 version 2000:_
When applying the new versions, the vocabulary part of ISO 9000:2000 cancels and replaces ISO 8402, although this is not explicitly stated.
ISO 22000
ISO 22000 food safety; more restrictive than ISO 9001, published in October 2005. It has the same structure as ISO 9001, but emphasizes food safety prerequisites and a HACCP continuous improvement approach.
ISO 22000 is sure to appeal to companies who did not opt for the ISO 9000 approach, but are keen to demonstrate a strong commitment to food safety. Its voluntary nature makes it particularly interesting for companies working on their own brand.
GALIA is a standardization organization for the exchange of products and information, created by and for the French automotive industry in 1984. GALIA is a member of the European organization Odette, whose mission is identical to its own, for Europe and in increasingly frequent partnerships with its American (AIAG) and Japanese (JAMA/JAPIA) counterparts…