Last fonctions, infos

Ideas for you!

Welcome to this part of the site, where you’ll find all the techniques we’ve used and integrated into our applications, as well as information and tips to help you better define your project and reduce its cost.

Our long-term credo: assemble program modules to create effective apps at low cost

Indeed: since 2012, we’ve been creating tailored business traceability mobile applications by “assembling” functions, to reduce development time and customer involvement.

Mobile applications linked to databases and a simple spreadsheet-based customer interface

As an essential complement to specific mobile apps for portable “pocket” computers, for companies wishing to save their data directly in a database, we create a secure interface to the database, called an “API “. As a further complement to our in-house data management system, since 2021 we have been offering a standard no-code interface for managing data in spreadsheet format.


And for those who want web pages to display results to their customers, we create custom web pages. This brings us up to a level known in the trade as “full-stack”: integration of the mobile with the server.

Secure software made in France

All our software is designed and created in France, by French people, using the latest technologies, and we control 100% of the product code. Our licenses and development contributions are our only sources of revenue, and no data is shared with or exploited by third parties.

image from Enhancements with augmented reality (AR) and rapid continuous barcode capture

Enhancements with augmented reality (AR) and rapid continuous barcode capture

Increase operator performance and customer satisfaction with augmented reality and continuous camera scanning! (“AR” or “RA” = Augmented Reality) We have mastered these technologies in order to apply and include them in our professional applications for code entry assistance, and for searching for precise barcodes in an area of the screen to add data or visual and audio value: so you’ll always be at the height of the assistance provided by an Android smartphone!

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Lower environmental impact and faster barcode reading with our software for Android cameras

we develop our own camera scan drivers for Android: you’ll always get the best performance from your Android! Since Oct 2022, we’ve been developing and improving our own driver to scan faster than ever before using the Android camera.

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image from Lower environmental impact and faster barcode reading with our software for Android cameras
image from Data architectures for computers and mobile printing, interconnections

Data architectures for computers and mobile printing, interconnections

Design your traceability application project with “Edge” distribution of computing power With explanations of the different ways in which smartphones and Android mobile computers can be connected to data bases and printers on the move, design your barcode, Rfid traceability application project!

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Search for and supply custom Rfid tags

We search for the right tag for your application, RFID badges with your logo or a double-sided advertising message: entry badges, recyclable production tracking (OF), for metal supports, cables, hoses, clothing, PPE, etc.

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image from Search for and supply custom Rfid tags
image from List of brands and terminals with qualified imagers for our barcode reading applications

List of brands and terminals with qualified imagers for our barcode reading applications

If you’d like to get your handsets back for use with apps like ours, before you buy your own handsets for our apps (we can supply you with them too), take a look at this list!

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Easy OCR identification with the camera

Don’t waste time or make mistakes entering information on tickets, license plates, order forms, delivery notes, ID cards or badges: use OCR on your Android smartphone!

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image from How can we make economical use of the means of capturing data for `hands-free` ?

How can we make economical use of the means of capturing data for hands-free ?

Using our precise knowledge of what our software can do to replace certain hardware functions, and its compatibility with older versions of Android, let’s delve into your hardware reserves to build an economical and functional data capture solution!

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Types of mobile terminals, logistics, interactive scan kiosks

One of our added values in your traceability project with our custom-developed mobile software: the choice of terminal adapted to your use and business, with constraints of speed and efficiency, with the indispensable adaptation of our applications to their ergonomics and possibilities.

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image from Android terminal geolocation function: possibilities & tests

Android terminal geolocation function: possibilities & tests

We’re providing you with a test application for the Android function, designed for educational purposes and geolocation forecasting, and here we explain how to install a system to locate a package, a parcel, a vehicle, an employee, and what services can be expected from such a system and generated to gain a competitive advantage and offer other services to its customers.

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NFC function in your traceability or management applications

The aim of this function used in our parcel drop application is to offer you a way of quickly identifying a person or employee with a chip or NFC tag, for your management or traceability with your smartphone or rugged terminal already in your possession.

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image from Traceability information: Laws, regulations, techniques

Traceability information: Laws, regulations, techniques

French laws on products in general and traceability: The manufacturer or service provider is bound by the following obligations: Designing a product in compliance with the safety standards that may legitimately be expected (Art.

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Measurement functions: extreme temperatures via IoT from a cell phone

on smartphone for predictive maintenance, cold chain monitoring. Remote measurement of extreme temperatures on smartphone: example of a function provided in our traceability applications, to record temperature and the number of fires carried out, for example to plan preventive maintenance and monitor compliance with warranty conditions: electronic hardware and software on smartphone.

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image from Measurement functions: extreme temperatures via IoT from a cell phone
image from Tracking and tracing goods helps build trust

Tracking and tracing goods helps build trust

how does Productivix meet your customers’ need for confidence? Every product destined for sale starts with raw materials, passes through a series of processes and a supply chain before reaching the end consumer.

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Rfid UHF tests on RFD 8500, PPE and laundry mobile monitoring

The aim of this page is to show you what can be done with Rfid on Uhf Rfid readers, such as tracking PPE or washing, dry-cleaning, etc.

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image from Sale of barcode printers compatible with our software

Sale of barcode printers compatible with our software

we sell these label printers / our software works with these printers Our barcode label printing offer With our customized mobile applications, we can deliver printing solutions that include :

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OFFLINE 1st mode for our mobile applications: network savings

also known as “partially disconnected” mode, “offline first”, offline work. Do your mobile employees find it difficult to work and scan offline, with connections breaking down or slowing down data entry?

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image from The winning steps in our remote development and integration method, terms

The winning steps in our remote development and integration method, terms

Remote development of mobile solutions throughout Europe. To give you a better understanding of our advantages and of the mobile application project you’re planning with us, we’re going to describe here why remote development is just as good as on-site development, and the meaning of the terms used in our business.

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How to install our applications ?

We can provide you with your own generic or specific, professional information-gathering mobile application for Android: here’s how to install them all.

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image from How to install our applications ?
image from Sales to production management add-on

Sales to production management add-on

Traceability with production management or sales management? The search for inventory management (inventory management software) is the main need expressed; but in fact it’s the result of purchasing and sales management.

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Interfaces between your information system and mobile PDAs?

Development strategies You have a production management information system (ERP / PGI), or a logistics management system (WMS), and you want to make intelligent mobile barcode / Rfid entries of your incoming orders, shipments and outgoing stock, traceability, and quickly see the result in this management information system.

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image from 9 tips for building an effective mobile traceability application

9 tips for building an effective mobile traceability application

If you’d like to submit a mobile application for data collection (barcodes, GPS positions, photos, signatures, Rfid, etc.) and want it to work, to be appreciated and used, and to ensure that your databases are correctly completed and populated with the right data, then here’s the list of criteria you’ll need to meet before you can submit a complete application.

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Mobile printing of Dolibarr variable images on labels

Print labels on ZPL printers Ideal for starting a barcode identification or inventory tracking project ! The problem solved by this application is to print barcode labels with different images of each articles produced on Zebra, Bixolon, from an ERP, here Dolibarr.

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image from Mobile printing of Dolibarr variable images on labels
image from Advantages of mobile computers with integrated scanner

Advantages of mobile computers with integrated scanner

Tests on terminals with integrated laser compared with consumer smartphones At a time of democratized Internet purchasing and the race for the “cheapest”, it’s important to educate our customers and warn them of the hidden differences between professional terminals and off-the-shelf or “consumer” smartphones, both in terms of barcode reading and the rugged nature of the devices.

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How profitable is an Rfid or mobile barcode application?

Investment scares those who hold the purse strings of their business, especially in barcode or RFID, because “it worked well before”.

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image from How profitable is an Rfid or mobile barcode application?
image from Barcode reading principles

Barcode reading principles

How is barcode-read data integrated into your system? Advantages: the barcode replaces keyboard input, and is quicker and more error-free. Different types of barcode.

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Migrer un parc WindowsCE vers Android en sécurité ?

Cost-effective, gradual migration strategies Since the beginning of 2018, Microsoft has announced the end of its operating systems for Windows CE / Embedded / mobile terminals.

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image from Scanning app for herds passing through pens

Scanning app for herds passing through pens

Industrial and livestock applications From burst reading of a herd above the horns to single-beast or part reading: a customized solution for low-frequency, hands-free Rfid reading will be found with our solution

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PPE verification and wash count using Rfid chips

In fact, some RFID chips can store data, so it’s very useful to use this function: it avoids the need to develop, pay for networks and store information in a database: the data is actually in the PPE chip!

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Data entry, mobile printing, stock management on hosted ERP DOLIBARR

We create off-line mobile barcode or Rfid scanning applications for Dolibarr, either for you or as part of a shared application, in conjunction with Dolibarr’s existing APIs (interfaces), so that your investment is protected over the long term against version upgrades.

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