Module for transferring items or batches between locations

Module for transferring items or batches between locations

Do you want your inventory management modules to be mobile? Here are 2 essential modules to enable your operators to easily record the transfer of goods, articles, batches or orders from one location to another in your logistics by simply scanning a barcode. with an off-the-shelf smartphone via the camera, or with a professional terminal with integrated imager/scanner from the extensive list we support.

Save time and reduce copying errors when handling your stock with our supply-chain applications!

How do I transfer a stock item using one of our Android mobile modules?

With the appropriate module, depending on whether you’re managing your stock by order, batch or item, simply scan or fill in the starting location, then scan all the items or orders/batches to be transferred, and finally the arrival location, and you’re done.

This simple management solution can be used to trace handling batches at all stages of the supply chain, from raw materials to finished goods and packaging. The movement database reflects the actual logistics flows in the supply chain, and secures traceability management.

By default, you can export these transactions as a single Excel (csv) file, otherwise, depending on the interface modules acquired, you can export to the desired database system.

Application in modules
part of a range of modular automated supply-chain management applications for VSE warehouses
other functions can complement this module: see common features .
  • with the “import items” csv option: you can display the description of each item code, the minimum order per item and the supplier code
  • license required per terminal per year: users can try out 30 days of limited functionality,

You already have an Android smartphone and would like to try out this mobile application module ?

Android app (Apk) provided on Productivix private repository, on request - link and loading QRcode provided To install it, read here

Quantitative test limit displayed according to modules, over 30 days. Qualification customer call before shipment.

Do you have a similar need? Don’t hesitate to tell us what you need: a copy of a pencil drawing of an interface, examples of interface files, a video of an obsolete software program in action will be enough.

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