Geolocation application for parcel drop-off points with signature
Do you deliver parcels without a signature? Provide your customers with proof of the place and date of delivery of your parcels: record the GPS position of each delivery and parcel, the customer’s signature on the screen and send the coordinates to your customers on request.

Example of customer signature retrieval screen
A mobile application for recording location at the parcel depot offers many advantages :
- Traceability: The application tracks the position of the parcel on delivery, as well as its date and time.
- Transparency: Users can check the exact location of their parcel, improving transparency and reducing delivery uncertainty.
- Time-saving: Users can search more quickly by depot location, saving time and unnecessary waiting.
- Accuracy: The application provides precise information on parcel location, eliminating guesswork and rough estimates.
- Enhanced customer service: The application enables users to easily contact customer service in the event of a problem or question, offering fast, personalized support.
- Security: The application offers an additional level of security, as it records the location of the parcel at the time of deposit, enabling better management of lost or stolen issues.
- Route optimization: Delivery companies can reuse the recorded location data to optimize their delivery routes, reducing costs and times for similar deliveries.
- Energy saving: The application is configured to record the location of the parcel at the time of drop-off, helping to save users’ batteries.
- Reduced errors: By recording location at the time of drop-off, the application reduces the human errors associated with manual entry of tracking information.
- Easier collaboration: The various players involved in delivery, such as carriers, warehouses and consignees, can access the location information generated by the application, facilitating collaboration and communication.
- Reduced disputes: By providing tangible proof of a parcel’s location, the application reduces potential delivery-related disputes.
Description of how to use this Android application for delivery drivers:

Example of app screen for recording date-time and position of delivered parcel no.
The driver simply enters his name and route, without a password. He can also identify himself with his Rfid NFC badge (Ndef format, but we can adapt). He stops to deliver 1 or more parcels: he presses a button that records the GPS position of his stop, whether outside or inside a building.
He scans the barcode labels of each parcel by pressing the camera image or the barcode scan button on the side, and the parcel is added to the stop’s list. He finishes his delivery by asking for the customer’s signature as an option, and exits his stop on the app.
He continues his deliveries, and can consult his delivery history. When he returns to the depot, he exports his recordings as a csv file with a unique identifier: in this way, recordings from several rounds can be stored without mixing or overwriting each other.
No SIM card is required to operate it.
- Application in modules
- part of a range of modular automated supply-chain management applications for VSE warehouses
- other functions can complement this module: see common features .
- license required per terminal per year: users can try out 30 days of limited functionality,
Ask us for the test app loading link.
You already have an Android smartphone and would like to try out this mobile application module ?
Android app (Apk) provided on Productivix private repository, on request - link and loading QRcode provided To install it, read here
Quantitative test limit displayed according to modules, over 30 days. Qualification customer call before shipment.
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