Participative Android barcode solutions for mobile data collection

Participative Android barcode solutions for mobile data collection

SMEs, VSEs: almost tailor-made mobile data capture applications and terminals, label printers on a budget? Your professional data acquisition or printing system linked to databases on smartphone or terminal with scanner here with hardware savings via: barcodes, Rfid, OCR

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SMEs and VSEs: in immediate need of a fast, low-budget mobile data capture application? Here you’ll find your professional system for data acquisition or printing via: barcodes, Rfid, OCR on smartphone or terminal with scanner with software development savings

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Our key feature: your cost-effective application on the right terminal for fast traceability

Quick scan with camera or imager

We develop our own programs to enable you to quickly capture barcodes or characters on commercial Android smartphones via the camera.

Multi languages apps

All our apps are designed in 4 languages (Fr-En-D-It) and all is ready to welcome more

Off-line first & native

You can also work without network, once you are reconnected, the added data are synced between terminal and server

Linked to YOUR databases

Your new databases are owned by you, administrated by us, and available via our APIs (interfaces)

Our key feature: your cost-effective application on the right terminal for fast traceability

Intuitive interfaces

Screen designs are made to work quickly with the solution depending on the terminal, and ergonomics include different sounds and colors to alert the operator easily

Easy flexible pricing

You have a price of the app per terminal usage for a period, and you can change yourself the terminal subscribed: simple and flexible

Open to new technologies

Our applications are based on very recent languages that are open to new code libraries, and a large part of our revenue is devoted to development, such as Augmented Reality


100% of the code is controlled by us: the security of your data and your applications is our main concern

Mobile applications for barcode management, verification and traceability, designed for professionals in industry, transport and the medical sector, you benefit from economical and creative functions.

Mobile applications for barcode management, verification and traceability, designed for professionals in industry, transport and the medical sector, you benefit from economical and creative functions.

Experts in capturing data or printing software development for Android smartphones and ruggedized terminals or tablets with barcodes, caracters (OCR) or NFC RFID
Rapid return on investment because you can use several old terminals, normal smartphones or tablets with small addons: we will try to adapt !
Many quick scan technologies with camera, internal scanner, or free-hand devices

Why choose Productivix solutions ?

How are you going to convert any paper form into a digital application?

How are you going to convert any paper form into a digital application?

We certainly have at least one piece of information that will enable you to imagine how to avoid retyping data from a paper form to a file: use of barcodes, interfaces between systems, hardware…

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Evaluate before buy

Validate sample applications before purchasing the complete customized solution. Prices are also available online, but a technical exchange is a prerequisite for any good solution

View and test app modules
Evaluate before buy
Pre study offered

Pre study offered

You have a budget and do not find your solution ? A 2-hours online pre-study of your request with a specialist is offered to build the best adapted solution with you

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Manage your inventory operationally

We certainly have at least one affordable mobile solution to avoid retyping data from a paper form to a file, replenishing by email, recording transfers, receipts, issues, stock inventories, etc

See operational stock management apps
Manage your inventory operationally
Capture evidences for your customers

Capture evidences for your customers

OBTAIN a system of EVIDENCE, monitoring and information on service delivery, quality control for your customers, authentication and control of people and goods

Apps to collect evidences

Credit financing offered

We offer you a 12-month monthly credit for your annual licenses and personalized development participation. First, we need to define together the application that best suits your needs

Credit financing offered

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See customer reviews

Solution sold in mobile stock management : The Productivix company has been our supplier for a few years for our mobile inventory management applications. Productivix customized the application to our specific requirements within a very reasonable timeframe. They recently implemented a new order management module that saves us an enormous amount of time. We are very satisfied with our collaboration with them

Pierre-Jean L.

Pierre-Jean L.

Administrator of a paint and coatings store in Belgium

The functions of the terminals we’ve chosen and of the overall solution are very satisfying for us, fast for our drivers and our customers, to whom we provide a more precise and responsive service than before, with less daily effort. This means we don’t lose any parcels on our rounds, and we know exactly where each parcel is deposited, even parcels deposited sometimes by rare error, given the quantity of parcels handled by our teams every day!



CEO, of a last-mile transport company in Switzerland

Solution sold: filter and access counting - Capacity certificate : Productivix has given us satisfaction, whether through the quality of its service or the efficiency of its administrative department

David L.

David L.

Community of municipalities in Drome, France